Social Media Risk Management: Safeguarding Your Brand in the Digital Era

by | Jun 15, 2016 | Uncategorized

For many organisations, the greatest challenge on the Social Engagement Journey is managing risks associated with social media. These are very valid concerns, as every tweet, wall post, or blog entry opens up our brand to some level of risk. The key to moving forward in the journey is a well-constructed way that helps the entire organisation to understand and be able to manage social media engagements:

Social Media can make or break organisations therefore it is imperative for businesses to be able know what is good and what is not in the digital strategy. In addition to that organisation should be able to identify key indicators that will assist in mitigating the risk that comes along with Social media marketing.

What Are The Risks Attached To Social Media Marketing

  • A Security Breach
  • Offending Your Audience
  • Sticky-Fingered Competition
  • Legal Implications

As a business or an organisation one can’t say they can do away with  these risk as some are not internal but they are influential or rather loopholes that come with Social media marketing on itself so business needs to be aware of such occurrences and plan for rainy days. In order to avoid or minimise the risk attached to Social media marketing business can use the following indicators:

  • Understand potential risks
  • Learn best practices and who internal experts are, and
  • Know exactly what to do if something does go wrong.

The identified indicators can be used to look into the following Social media marketing of the business for business to improve and be able to manage risk accordingly. This can be done by planning, measuring and tracking media strategy. On the other hand Interact RDT can assist in the development of business should engage how business should express its self, its culture and values on social media. In addition to this business can be track conversations that are going online through platforms like social listening, inform.

Social Media Marketing Governance

According to several studies conducted they have a “do not harm” in the medical community principle. But as doctors for digital governance problems, all line up promising to fix the ailments that disrupt the organisation. It’s in their nature to want to eliminate the afflictions that cause agony amongst all ranks, most notably perhaps with on-the-ground soldiers, the Digital Ops Team. What is often hard to comprehend is that organisations, especially those whose sites seem to be mostly in the ICU and just pages away from a code blue, are often the slowest to change and the most likely to relapse. Trying to resuscitate these organisations and their digital properties (most often their websites) and attempting to give them a quick lifeline is a noble cause. But just like doctors,

Often the principle is forgotten to first do no harm! regardless of how messed up a website is, or how dysfunctional the organisation that has given it life, we should always pause for a moment to review what is realistic and what the organisation can do to heal itself. This is a tough one as change may take years, and improvement of the digital health may be measured in micro-steps. The simple removal of several very outdated pages or the agreement amongst digital publications staff that once a year they will get together and discuss digital patterns and common goals may be tiny signs of advancement.

However, the dream of digital governance, in its truest and romantic form, may be years away. This distance gives way to organisational change management activities, including a change in leadership, adjustments to job descriptions, education and training for the digital staff, and convincing subject matter staff that they can either own digital content or let go of it, depending on your situation.

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