Website Usability Testing: Enhancing User Experience and Efficiency

by | Feb 1, 2013 | Uncategorized

The Brief

Our client, a prominent leader in the Insurance sector, needed insight into their online presence. The chosen methodology also needed to evaluate the level of overall satisfaction when using their website.

To test the usability of their website, determine the success level amongst users when interacting with the website, and to assess the efficiently of each task performed when using the website; a comprehensive, structured approach was needed.


Our Solution

Interact RDT implemented our comprehensive usability testing methodology. A total of 12 one-on-one testing sessions were conducted with participants within the targeted sample, each lasting approximately 120 minutes.

During the evaluation sessions, users were requested to complete a number of pre-defined tasks using the Website. Each task was designed to address specific usability issues. Users were asked to “think aloud” whilst interacting with the application, and were closely monitored during the execution of each usability task.

Specific errors to complete tasks and comments were logged (i.e. quantitative performance data). After the completion of each task, users were given specifically designed questionnaires in order to obtain additional “qualitative” data regarding the usability of the application.

At the end of the entire test, they were debriefed, and asked to explain the reasons for their errors as well as the general thoughts regarding the overall usability of the application.

By analysing the test results for a number of carefully pre-selected end users, it is possible to identify areas of the product that present usability problems.


The Outcome

Once the testing was completed, analysis was conducted to provide the necessary research objectives and insights.

Key recommendations were made with regards to a number of best practice usability principles: namely, information architecture, navigation, efficiency and overall ease of use.

We were also able to give our client a definitive consumer opinion on the length of the quote form, and going further, what consumers wanted to do and see on the website.

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